Globo Arkuak

As a well-known factory specializing in the production of party balloon arches, Newshine® has become the top three party balloon arch suppliers and manufacturers in China. We offer high quality and affordable balloon arch garland kits in a variety of styles that can be customized to meet the specific requirements of our customers. With more than 20 years of experience in balloon production and design, we at Newshine® provide the latest styles of party balloon arch sets to wholesale customers. We at Newshine® have rich multi-channel supply experience and can customize products for merchants on various sales platforms such as AMZ, AliExpress, eBay, etc., ensuring that our party balloon arches suit the requirements and development trends of any platform.

Newshine® Balloon Factory produces balloons made in China, and we have passed certifications from multiple inspection agencies. We have CE inspection certificate and CPC inspection certificate. The latex balloons we produce are very healthy and safe. Every year we will provide party balloon arch sales for more than 500 e-commerce sellers. Our main sales markets are concentrated in America and Europe. We can help you solve Amazon's packaging size requirements and can provide one-stop purchasing services for any e-commerce sellers. Customers who have purchased the Newshine® Balloon Arch Set have given us feedback that the Newshine® Party Balloon Arch is one of the best party balloon arches in China. Newshine® Balloon Factory has 8 balloon production lines and more than 110 production workers, as well as professional quality inspection equipment and quality inspection personnel. We guarantee that the party balloon arches received by our customers are perfect.

balloon arch

There are many types of Balloon Arch Garland Kit, which are mainly classified according to design, purpose, complexity and accessories. Here are some common types:

1. Basic Balloon Arch Garland Kit:

- Contains basic balloons, balloon chains, glue dots, balloon pumps, etc.

- Suitable for beginners and simple decoration occasions.

2. Theme Balloon Arch Garland Kit:

- Designed according to specific themes, such as birthdays, weddings, holidays (Christmas, Halloween, Day of the Dead, Easter, Thanksgiving, etc.) or special events (graduation ceremony, opening ceremony, baby baptism, gender reveal, etc.).

- Contains balloons of specific colors and patterns, as well as decorative accessories of related themes, mostly foil balloons, themed KT boards, etc.

3. Advanced Balloon Arch Garland Kit:

- In addition to basic accessories, it also includes more decorative elements, such as balloon flowers, metal balloons, letter balloons, etc.

- Suitable for users who pursue more complex and exquisite decorations.

4. DIY Creative Balloon Arch Garland Kit:

- Provides a more diverse range of balloons and decorative materials, and users can freely combine and design according to their own creativity.

- Suitable for companies and individual entrepreneurs who do balloon decoration parties, requiring users with certain hands-on skills and creativity.

5. LED lighting Balloon Arch Garland kit:

- In addition to balloons, it also includes LED light strips or light strings, so that the balloon arch can also present a bright effect at night.

- Suitable for night activities or occasions that require special lighting effects.

6. Outdoor Balloon Arch Garland kit:

- Specially designed for outdoor use, including more durable balloons and fixtures such as sandbags, ground nails, etc.

- Suitable for outdoor weddings, celebrations and other activities.

Each type of Balloon Arch Garland kit is designed to meet the needs of different occasions and users, from simple family parties to large-scale events. There are corresponding products to choose from.

balloon arch

Balloon Arch Garland Kit is a tool kit for decoration, which usually contains various materials and accessories needed to make balloon arches or balloon garlands. This kit is often used in various occasions such as parties, weddings, birthday celebrations, opening ceremonies, etc. to increase the atmosphere and decorative effects. 

A typical Balloon Arch Garland Kit may contain the following items:

1. Balloons: Balloons of various colors, materials and sizes.

2. Balloon chain: plastic chain or tape used to connect balloons together. Some customers will also choose fishing line or magic balloons to replace the function of balloon chain.

3. Balloon pump: manual or electric balloon pump. Wholesale with higher requirements will choose to add manual pump to the set according to the consumption level of the customers served.

4. Glue dots: small glue dots used to fix the position of balloons, which are essential for each set.

5. Rope or ribbon: material used to fix and hang balloon arches.

6. Instructions: detailed production steps and instructions.

7. Customized packaging bags, there are many options, you can contact our sales manager for details, or leave your contact information on the website, we will provide you with a variety of customized packaging services.

balloon arch

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